fritter away
- 浪费;挥霍

Fritter away one 's time ( on playing cards )
Never fritter away your time ;
Otherwise you simply free up time at work that you will then fritter away pointlessly .
It 's easy to fritter away a fortune if you 're not careful .
Some Indians , too , fear their country could fritter away its democratic dividend .
Manchu wanted to exercise authority through its own hairstyle , and fritter away the superiority complex of Han nationality .
That may reflect gamblers feeling more content to fritter away their earnings at the baccarat tables as the economy improves .
You are not here to fritter away your precious hours when you have the ability to accomplish so much by making a slight change in your routine .
" Pei-yao , I think you should keep an eye on your sister , and not let her fritter away her time as if she were still a child . "
Matthew Sinclair of the TaxPayers'Alliance said ," There is no chance that these officials would spend their own money this way , so why should they be allowed to fritter away ours ?"
Whenever she 's tempted to fritter away time , doing something that doesn 't contribute to the magazine 's success , she glances at that issue , and it gets her back on track .
If put a few books , when the wife that final preparation makes before the husband waits to go out , OK conveniently breaks up , fritter away says that paragraph bad it is long it is short time .
Make the most of them . Don 't fritter them away .
Whatever general good will exists for the union movement , this strike is likely to fritter it away .
You will need your physical energy as the shift gets underway , so don 't fritter it away it on unimportant activities .
To reject it or ignore it or fritter it away will bring upon us all the long reproaches of the after-time .
We cannot ask one dry region to give away the dregs of its resources so another part of the country can fritter it away on golf courses and swimming pools .
When you don 't fritter money away on junk , you have more to put toward the essentials - house payment , debt , retirement , and experiences .
I seem to fritter my time away at coffee mornings .
Nine out of ten employees would simply fritter any extra money away " upon richer food and drink , better clothing , more extravagant living , which are beneficial neither to rich nor poor " .